Sunday, April 22, 2012

I lost this blog in September, when my life became Occupied. It was by accident that I found it, but it puts to rest that occasional nagging in the back of mind.

 "Where the hell did I create that blog? What did I call it? What email address did I use? Why the fuck can't I remember such a simple damn thing?" 

If I didn't have so many genuine excuses, it would be a lot easier to get down on myself for such things.

At age 33, I finally have the diagnosis of Attention Defecit Hyperactivity Disorder (inattentive-type), and am being treated with medication. I find I am capable of accomplishing more than I ever expected. My critical mind no longer need be helium-floated up and bouncing from cloud to cloud, tethered to my body with curly, plastic ribbon. I have access to multiple recesses at once, from which to pull complex solutions and creative ideas.

This surpasses the norm of staying on task.


From pain that constantly haunts my body.


From anxiety that used to be paralyzing.

I may never be a social creature, but I can be a successful butterfly.

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